On April 9th, 350 people packed into the Sottile Theater to witness in!Genius. In!Genius is an event for the mind, it is ideas and personal stories that are as varied as the speakers – artists, scientists, scholars and industry professionals. The College of Charleston is the thread that binds them all together. Get ready to be inspired, amazed and proud to be a part of CougarNation!
Steve Cody, amateur comedian, emceed the one hour event featuring 8 presentations by pioneers in their fields. The audience was captivated by each of the 6-8 minute presentation: We heard from our new women’s basketball coach and her path to the College of Charleston basketball; two faculty members, one Israeli and one Palestinian, and their course in which together they teach and talk about the culture of the Middle East. And we heard from students, students who discovered a planet, a student who works with migrant workers to teach them English, and a student who presented her coral reef research to the United Nations in India last fall.
Look for in!Genius to become a regular event and exploration of free thinking—visit the website to read more about in!Genius and our speakers from this past April. To learn more check out the in!Genius website.
Clyde’s Top 10 List
This month, Clyde chatted with Chris and Terri Walker from Connecticut, parents of Brittany, ’15, about their Top Ten list of favorite College of Charleston and Charleston activities and moments.
Here is Chris and Terri’s top ten list of Charleston favorites:
- Quiet reflection under the moss laden trees at the Cistern early morning.
- Hiding hundreds of Easter eggs at Battery Park then watching 25 college students run around like 5 year olds searching with baskets in hand.
- Seamless and available access to student advisors and COFC representatives.
- The high-end energy and activities during fashion week.
- The short 17-minute drive from the airport to the center of COFC campus.
- Point A to point B in record time on a rickshaw bike while listening to jazz echo through the streets
- Hob knobbing with President Benson and crew at a COFC basketball game.
- The excitement in our daughters face after helping her choose a study abroad program. The world is vast as are the opportunities.
- Self-guided tours throughout the cobble-stoned streets South of Broad with gas lanterns flickering.
- The echoing of church bells on a Sunday morning.
5-Minute Professor
In this issue, we want to introduce you to the Dean of our Graduate School at the College of Charleston. Most students begin thinking about the next phase of life while they are in school, so we wanted to give you an insider’s look at our prestigious Graduate School.
About Dean McCandless
Amy Thompson McCandless has been Dean of The Graduate School of the College of Charleston since July 2006. She received her A.B. degree in history from Sweet Briar College in Virginia, her M.B.A. in personnel from the University of South Carolina, and her M.A. and Ph.D. in modern British social history from the University of Wisconsin. Before becoming Associate Provost in January 2001, she taught U.S. women’s and British history and served as British Studies Coordinator, facilitating exchange programs with the United Kingdom and leading travel abroad classes to England and Scotland. She is currently the Fulbright Campus Representative. As graduate dean, she has worked to increase funding for assistantships and research; helped in the establishment of the Graduate Student Association and a Graduate School Advisory Board; implemented Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) training for all programs; and introduced an annual graduate poster session. From 2007 – 2009 she was faculty co-chair of the Strategic Planning Steering Committee. From March 2010 – March 2012 she was co-PI on a Partnership for Innovation Grant that combined projects at the College, the Medical University of South Carolina, and the University of Louisville. She currently serves on the membership committee of the Council of Graduate Schools, as chair of the Awards Committee of the Conference of Southern Graduate Schools, and chair of the South Carolina Graduate Deans Association.
The majority of Dr. McCandless’ research has been on women’s history. Her book, The Past in the Present: Women’s Higher Education in the Twentieth-Century American South was published by the University of Alabama Press in 1999 and won the History of Education Society Book Prize in 2001. She was chair of the Historic Commission, Town of Mount Pleasant, and one of the associate editors of the South Carolina Encyclopedia published by the University of South Carolina Press in 2006. Chair of the editorial board of the South Carolina Historical Magazine, she has recent publications in the Forum on Public Policy (November 2011), in South Carolina Women: Their Lives & Times (2010), and in the New Encyclopedia of Southern Culture (2011).
Q&A with Dean McCandless
- About the graduate school in general: What is the average age of a CofC Graduate Student? 28.16. There is some difference by program – students in teacher education degrees tend to be slightly older than those in masters of arts or masters of science degrees.
- What percentage of them came from the College of Charleston?26.47% of our degree-seeking graduate students hold a bachelor’s degree from the College.
- What should current undergraduate students do while they are in school if they are interested in attending the graduate school? Investigate various certificate and degree options by checking out program web sites, by meeting with graduate recruitment and admissions staff and graduate program directors, and by talking to current students and alumni. The Graduate School is happy to help undergraduates at any stage of their career.
- Can undergraduates enroll in any graduate classes?Yes, upper level undergraduates can enroll in graduate classes with the permission of the professor and the recommendation of the student’s major advisor.
- Study Abroad is a point of pride for the graduate school, what are the study abroad opportunities for graduate students? Some of our graduate programs, such as the M.B.A. and the M.S. in Accounting, have made study abroad part of their standard curricula. In other programs professors offer study abroad opportunities during spring break and various summer sessions. Graduate students are also eligible for prestigious Fulbright awards for year-long study outside the U.S. The Graduate School offers special scholarships for graduate students conducting research abroad, presenting at an international conference, and taking a travel course.
- When should students start thinking about studying abroad?They should explore options related to their programs as soon as possible so they can apply for travel and research grants to fund their study.
- Are there any differences in a study abroad opportunity for graduate students versus those geared towards undergraduates? Because masters’ degrees have a shorter time-to-completion than bachelors’ degrees, graduate student study abroad typically involves shorter periods of time (except in the case of a Fulbright Award).
- Is there anything that that parents should know about the graduate school to offer a gentle guide to their students as they are thinking about the future? Encourage them to research schools and programs and to investigate the career options for degree holders in their field(s) of interest.
If you are interested in learning more about the graduate school, visit http://gradschool.cofc.edu/ or swing by the Graduate School Office at 310 Randolph Hall.
Events You Don’t Want to Miss
While the summer may heat up, we certainly don’t slow down! From summer sessions, to new student orientation, to general Charleston summer fun, make sure these events are plugged into your calendar.
College of Charleston Events
- June 30-End of the (fiscal) year for the College of Charleston Parents’ Fund! Don’t forget to make your gift to the Parents’ Fund!
- May 23-October 12—Set In Stone -Zen Garden Installation by Long-Bin Chen
- May 23-July 6-Rebound, Dissections and Excavations in Book Art
- September 27-29-Family Weekend! Save the Date!
Charleston Events
- Saturdays, from now until December 21-Charleston Farmers Market in Marion Square
- August 30-September 1-Lowcountry Jazz Festival
- September 4-15-Charleston Restaurant Week
What We’re Watching
Who says College of Charleston isn’t a football school? Maybe our Saturday’s aren’t filled with tailgates, stadiums, and quarterbacks; but our students know how to still enjoy the gridiron. Check out this video of our students playing intramural football. Football is one of the many intramural sports that our students (and faculty and staff) are able to live out their athletic abilities and dreams without getting too serious.
What Your Kids Don’t Tell You
Class not working out as planned? Make sure your student knows when the drop and add dates are. Want to plan ahead so you can buy extra laundry detergent and food? Make sure you know when fall break is this year. Planning a trip for winter break? We have all of this covered and more under the link to our academic calendar.
- Declaring, undeclaring, or changing your major or minor has become quite sophisticated. While this may be second nature to your student, here is information (including FAQs) about the Program of Study Management System.
- June 1 marked the start of the 2013 Atlantic Hurricane Season. The College has a comprehensive evacuation plan in place for our students that live campus, or for those off campus students who notify the College that they will need assistance. Take this time before we get into the thick of the season to go over or establish what your student and family will do if a storm hits or threatens the Lowcountry.
- Be sure to book mark the College of Charleston Parent Resource Page. We tried to add links to any all information that parents are looking for.
Parents’ Fund
The Parents’ Fund supports scholarships, networking opportunities, and exceptional faculty focused on your student’s success. For more information, visit the the Parents’ Fund webpage.